Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What is death?

Death is a perception of a change of natural order which has been dramatized because of ignorance, ego and attachment. When we see ourselves as soul who lives on for eternity then there is no death at all for us, but we just leave this body for the next part of our life. Its as easy as changing a dress. take off one set of cloths and wear another. Is that sooo dramatic? but the illusion that body and its present day relations are everything makes death something to be feared because we got to leave the old clothes like a child who loves the birthday dress and refuses to get out of it. From this perspective death does not exist in fact. body is made of material which goes back to material. can a chair die? no it can be broken, burnt or rotten, but we don't associate death with it. So material body cannot die, all material returns to nature which has been borrowed in the first place. The soul or life doesn't die, we live on. Our true existence & identity is not the name of this body but that of incorporeal soul. when we learn to realize ourselves as soul we grow beyond death. Death is only an illusion of body consciousness. Giving physical existence undue importance in eternal life is ridiculous but unfortunately that's how things are. Let us be immortal, its just a change in perception from ignorance to truth that we are a spiritual being experiencing a physical world temporarily.

How to deal with death?
Mostly people find it difficult to understand death and its consequences. This is cause of lot of emotional and insecurity problems. People perceive death as destruction, end of life and departure. They forget that life is eternal. We need to remember and help people who are coping with this loss and depression with this understanding that life is eternal. The person who has left the physical realm had to go, no one can stop it nor is it in our good to interfere with natural order. They will be with us always but not just in this physical form. We need to understand that our feelings, emotions and thoughts are not just for us. but they influence the souls who have departed. If you are in misery in their memory, the departed soul feels it and that miserable energies make their journey beyond difficult and unhappy. Would we want to be a problem for them? Instead why not remember them with love and faith that they will be with us, always send supporting and loving thoughts of helpful energy to help them in their onward journey.

Om Shanti

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Pure Karma Vs Ordinary Karma

Intro: Karma in Sanskrit means action. Action performed could be at level of awareness, intention, thoughts, emotions and finally on gross level physical. yes awareness and intention are also actions in their own level. They act and influence our environment even before we think, feel and act on physical level. These actions at various levels interact in energy form leaving a residue of energy signature or impression in our astral and physical bodies. This impression can manifest as a habit of attracting similar energies or in simple language good and bad things happen until this energy impression is cleared. So all states of mind, intentions, feelings and actions leave energy impressions and influence our personality as expressed from time to time(better explained in the book "the secret" about law of attraction of likes).

When classifying karma, people use good and bad karma to indicate good and bad luck instead of understanding its importance and how to use it in practical life. Now let us see what pure and ordinary karma is.

Ordinary Karma: Normally 99% of people today are in physical or role awareness in the sense, they are not in higher self or soul conscious state. They are cut off from truth or spiritual potentials and powers. Thus their perception of the world is incomplete or at the most a crude shadow of the truth. Thus they fail to manifest their true nature but remain in maya or illusion of truth. All the actions done in this incomplete awareness are called ordinary karma.

Such ordinary karma leaves energy impressions on our astral and physical bodies which influence our further decisions. They become habits which act involuntarily on us. They become good/bad luck. In all these impressions are like different imperfections in our energy field. Naturally our spiritual self tries to clear them and purify the energy around it. When such energy is released, it takes the form of physical sensations as a response to the situation. It could be good one in the sense pleasure, happiness, good feeling or bad one like pain, misery, irritation, etc. In either case, it has positive potential to influence our state of mind and decisions making us a slave of those sensations. When we get pain we tend to get depressed mildly or otherwise resulting in attracting energies from surrounding which are similar to the impression being released and end up reinforcing the impression. This appears as doing same mistake again and again in life. When we experience pleasure we tend to want more of that and attract the impressions being release and reinforce it. This appears as enjoying the life in complacence. these are the opposite polarities and ones experience could be anywhere in between on similar lines.

Either case we are not purifying our self and limiting ourselves to what we already have. This is called limited feelings. we have placed boundaries on what we can perceive and feel without knowing. This also expresses itself as fear of unknown. Because to release the energy impression we need to tolerate the process without getting influenced by it. We need to let go both the pain and pleasure to grow spiritually or to purify our energy system. When we fail to let go the impression, they as the last resort try to get released in the form of fever or a disease. So these energy impressions decide what kind of diseases one is vulnerable to or kind of material prosperity one achieves in life.

Pure Karma: True spiritualist practice performing pure karma. Pure karma is the action performed when we are connected to our higher self or soul conscious. When we are able to have faith and such faith releases all the potentials to manifest situations as per the needs of the Soul. Such a person is able stay in powerful state of peace, love and perceive things as they are instead of as they appear. remember that true love, peace, wisdom and bliss are our nature and not results of our actions. Pure actions are very graceful and all nature and God support such actions to make them happen. They benefit the whole world and inspire/empower/help others/seekers around in the process of purification and spiritual growth. These actions are performed because it is our nature to act in this way and not because we get something out of it or because we are supposed/expected to. Though we receive much more than we give, it will not matter.

In this kind of karma, the energy impressions created do not act as blocks and do not influence our ability to perceive things of a different kind. They do not become habits and we dont struggle with them. They are not good or bad. They are just energies or gifts useful for future actions. Such impressions get released in the form of spiritual gifts, experiences and prosperity. When we are able to use it for benefit of others they multiply many fold. We have total control over our karma in this state.

Note: these thoughts are based on teachings of incorporeal God Shiv Baba.

Om Shanti